Our Speakers
Erica Heller
Erica Heller owns her own Counseling center. She has talked about what the difference was between her private practice and one with a company. Her journey of how her education changed as her world view did. Heartlines Counseling is her private practise and she is based in Austin Texas.
Becky Nelson
Becky Nelson talked about her old business with graphic designing and how she had to make hard choices that lead her to where she is now. Now she does Health and Wellness still making her own hours and having her own business.
AnJanette Broderick
This speaker owns a graphic design company: PixelPosh Design. She talked about the process of starting her business. She talked about the investments she put in (a button maker) and how it paid off. She showed us we all have what it takes to be an entrepreneur.
Millisa Nagata
Millisa Nagata owns The Nerf Herder Co. and she makes candles, wax melts, and room sprays that smell like fictional characters. She talked to us about how her education does not match the job she does now (finance) and her business. She inspired the idea that at any time in life we can make a dream into reality. Her Instagram is @thenerfherderco and her website.
Erin Stones
Erin Stones talked about her part of Color Street. She talked about how selling their product works for her. She talked about the differences between running your own business and managing and selling a company's product. She is very inspiring and we loved how she makes everything work!